Good Enough To Eat

I once watched my stepdad open a container of dog liver biscuits while he was talking on the phone, and just when he was about to pop one into his mouth, I told him what it was. It was quite amusing, but the good girl in me wouldn't let him go through with it. They did look and smell good.

With pet owners getting more conscious about their diets come the attention towards what their dogs snack on as well. No mistake about it, I would be completely fooled into grazing on this, and none would be the wiser. The 24-Piece Gourmet Cookie box made by Canine Confections of San Francisco pleases the pampered canine palate as well as their owners. These organic treats are made without all the bad stuff: Chemical preservatives, wheat, soy, corn, fillers, artificial colors, unidentifiable bi-products, added sugar, added salt or meat. They are lovingly made in small batches with all the good stuff: High-quality human-grade vegetarian ingredients, including organic rye flour, organic barley flour and organic egg glaze. I have always been of the adage, 'If it is not good enough for me, it is definitely not good enough for my pets. This beautiful box of goodies also arrives in eco-packaging, and a portion of the proceeds are donated. Now that's what I call Doggie Heaven.

Get a box, give a box to your furry friends from Organic Style.

I actually have this pic on my fridge.