My house isn't a coffee table book house as much as it is a magazine table house. In this day and age when time warrants a good short story as opposed to War and Peace, I'd imagine my household resembles many others.My sis does reap my mags when I'm finished, so most do live another day, live another read, and they all wind up in recycling eventually. Here's a product that isn't so much really a "product," per se. It is an idea born from a product of consumption. It is genius, and I'm sure all periodical makers are on to it. I'm talking about Digital Magazines. See these Elle magazines? You'd have these stacked/strewn/littered throughout your house, and it's not even a year's worth of paper. With a virtual subscription, you could have these on your PC, your laptop, on your friggin iPhone -- if you bought one of those too. Portable and at your fingertips 24-7. You are not only traveling lighter, your heart is lighter too. Somewhere a forest rejoices.
Read more about it here, and try out a sample. It's way cool. Zinio Digital Magazines. Be Well Read.
If you still crave the weight and feel of a glossy-paged mag in your hand, remember this: Magazine Publishers of America says, "Magazines can and should be recycled..." So read it and then recycle it, will ya.
Great. I was just looking at my magazine stacks and thinking that it would be wonderful if mags went digital, and they are!
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