Mother Nature Loves Cupcakes

Did you know that if every American family planted just one tree, more than a billion pounds of "greenhouse gases" would be removed from the atmosphere every year? Imagine what life would be like if we never had to cut down a single tree. While the latter is inconceivable in our world, you can save a tree by paring down on your use of paper products period.

What is greenhouse gas, you say? Actually, I wondered the same thing. I know the word, but not the true meaning of it. Greenhouse Gas is "any gas that absorbs infra-red radiation in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH4), nitrous..." In other words, we need some to survive, but in excess, it causes irreparable damage to our atmosphere. Back to my cupcakes.

If we're going to consume, it's our duty to consume wisely. I am being literal here. Silicone muffin cups mean no more paper or foil ones, and you never get stuck with an odd number of cups at the end of baking -- think hot dog to bun ratio. I bought foil cupcake tins once, and they were each separated by useless thin paper ones! Cupcakes make everybody smile, and the earth is surely grinning at this reusable, washable and nonstick baking creation. Being a girl, I must mention that I love that these are pink.

These Calphalon muffin cups, as well as other silicone baking accessories, are available at